Elastic Stack

The Elastic Stack is a geospatial powerhouse

Store all of your geospatial data and run queries at top speeds with Elasticsearch. Find anomalies, trigger notifications, and solve location-based problems with Kibana.

Explore, analyze, and discover the where in your data — with geospatial capabilities from the Elastic Stack.


Geospatial analysis without boundaries

As your data volumes grow exponentially, your geospatial data and the ability to analyze it at speed and scale become more and more valuable — from analyzing customer data to asset tracking. Combine the search, aggregation, and speed of Elasticsearch with Kibana’s intuitive visualizations using the Maps app and dashboards. Start with one geo use case and expand to others — it’s easy to scale and grow with the Elastic Stack.


Everything geo is powered by Elasticsearch

Geospatial analysis with speed, at scale. Spatial queries will help you answer location-driven questions. Distance queries will let you understand proximity. All with a stack that scales automatically.

  • Ingest

    Elasticsearch is designed for high-volume, real-time data ingestion and enrichment. Use the Geo-IP and Geo-Match processors to augment IPs with latitude and longitude or set up your own reverse-geocoding pipeline.

  • Store it all

    Take advantage of a distributed index for efficient storage of big geospatial data (it’s bigger than your average data). Use lifecycle management and searchable snapshots to keep costs down without sacrificing performance.

  • Integrate

    Have it your way. Elasticsearch is highly interoperable thanks to its abundant APIs. Use them to pull all the power of Elasticsearch into your custom or preferred application.

Explore and answer your geodata questions with Kibana

Kibana is the platform for geospatial analysis and action. Use Elastic Maps for analyzing geospatial data and identifying geo patterns over time, points of interest, and other avenues of exploration. Easily share and consume geospatial data via dashboards and set up location-based alerts to make your geospatial data actionable.


Maps and visualizations with ease

Build geospatial visualizations with ease using the Maps app. It’s simple to visualize data from Elasticsearch or upload your own from a CSV or GeoJSON file. Perform analysis based on the shape and content of the data — use choropleth layers to compare statistics across countries or regions, point-to-point maps to understand origin-destination connections, and dynamic heatmaps, grids, and clusters to instantly see spatial patterns.


Maps made smarter with machine learning

Put machine learning to work for you and find the data that should stand out with anomaly detections. Location-based anomaly detections make it easy to find and explore and compare anomalies with their typical locations.


Driving insights with location data

Let your location data drive insights and action with geographic alerts. Commonly referred to as geo-fencing, track moving objects as they enter or exit a boundary to receive notifications through common business systems (email, Slack, Teams, PagerDuty, and more). Whether your work is in asset tracking for shipping and logistics or monitoring IoT devices in the context of security, geospatial alerts give you information to act on.


Additional resources

Want to learn more about using the Elastic Stack for geospatial analysis? See exactly what we have to offer.