Elasticsearch searchable snapshots

Search and store everything

Searchable snapshots transform the way you store and search data. Search across data in snapshots stored on AWS S3, Microsoft Azure Storage, and Google Cloud Storage — and greatly reduce your total cost of ownership.


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Balance your storage costs

Data is critical for keeping your business available, secured, and within compliance. And while data is growing at an exponential rate, your budget is not — meaning it can be cost prohibitive to store and search all of your data. You need a way to search for a needle in a haystack without buying the whole farm. Enter searchable snapshots.


Manage your data lifecycle

As data ages and is searched less frequently, you need to make the tough choice between deleting and archiving that data to stay on budget. Moving data to snapshots on object storage such as S3 is one way to keep data — but searching this data typically requires a restore, meaning it isn't immediately accessible for search. With searchable snapshots, you can skip the manual restore, allowing you to store and search all of your data cost‑effectively.


Bring object storage to life

By decoupling storage from compute, searchable snapshots allow you to get more value out of AWS S3, Microsoft Azure Storage, Google Cloud Storage, and other object stores. With the power to directly search the data stored in your snapshot, you can store 2-20 times the data at the same cost — dramatically lowering your total cost of ownership.


Cool your costs with the cold and frozen tiers

Imagine having the ability to directly search a nearly unlimited amount of data on demand — all while having the access and search performance you need at the lowest storage cost possible. Searchable snapshots power two first-class data tiers, cold and frozen, that let you do just that.

  • Frozen is the new hot

    The search performance of our cold and frozen tiers is fast — so fast it compares to the competition's hot tier. Results from a simple term query over a 4TB dataset are returned in just a few seconds, and the second run using our local cache is even faster, with performance in the milliseconds. With features like async search and background search, we provide the best search experience for this class of storage.

  • Better cost performance

    With the cold and frozen tiers, you can store up to 20 times the read-only data at the same cost, significantly reducing your total cost of ownership. Gone are the days of having to decide which data to delete. Plus, with a lower total cost of ownership, you'll be able to store and search more data, ensure better availability of your systems, better protect your data and infrastructure, be compliant with industry standards and regulations — and ultimately drive better business results.

Get more from Elastic Cloud

If you're using Elastic Cloud, you can use searchable snapshots to store more data at the same monthly spend. Get up and running quickly with index lifecycle management controls to set and adjust storage retention for each data tier.

Elastic solutions using searchable snapshots

  • image_alternative_text: blt4c95fef51f752b47

    Search across all of your data and historical workplace records without breaking the bank by using searchable snapshots. Store more data for regulations and feel confident that you are meeting the standards for data storage compliance.

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    With searchable snapshots you no longer need to choose which log, metric, or APM data to delete to save money. Imagine having the ability to search year over year on application performance without needing to rehydrate your data from backup. Or being able to gain increased insight by combining observability data with business intelligence or data from external sources for customer behaviors and trends.

  • "all": "Elastic Security"


    Arm threat hunters and security analysts with years of high-volume security data sources made easily accessible through searchable snapshots. Be certain that you have the necessary logs, metrics, or security event data — and that they're searchable — when performing security investigations.